Snowchange is an advisory partner in CHERISH – an Interreg project that aims at improving regional development policies protecting and promoting cultural heritage in fishing communities in order to boost attractiveness of these regions.
Our specific mandate over 2018-2021 participation is to facilitate and support co-learning of traditional ecological knowledge – TEK between the regions and organisations involved. Snowchange staff members Chris Madine and Kaisu Mustonen are the primary staff in this project which is coordinated by the Municipality of Middelburg in Netherlands. All in all the CHERISH project budget is 1.5 million €.
In 2018 we have organised the TEK Workshop in Tornio, Finland with excursions out to the Perämeri Marine National Park. In 2019 the TEK work continued with all partners with a range of events from Latvia to Portugal. In December the “Shore Knowledge” report was released.
February 2023: A new policy brief has been released towards the end of the project on TEK and European SSF fleet. Available here.
2022: Snowchange active participation has ended, but we remain providing TEK coordination.
1.12.2019: Second TEK Report – ‘Shore Knowledge’ – available here.
29.11.2018: The Report from the TEK Workshop is now available here.
November 2022: With the Final Conference happening in the Netherlands, CHERISH had ended.