New Extensive Web Portal Captures the Essentials of the Landscape Rewilding Programme


Open today, the Landscape Rewilding Portal summarizes the results and sites of the Snowchange restoration programme building on Indigenous and local knowledge and latest science. It is at

  • Where is the home of the brook lamprey?
  • Where can you find the largest wetland in Western Finland?
  • What is the connection between river Koitajoki and J.R.R. Tolkien?
  • How does the very first co-management area of Finland with the Skolt Sámi look like?
  • Where could you potentially see the ultra-rare long-billed dowitcher?
  • Which area emerged as one of the largest nature protection sites in Finland in 2020?
  • How does traditional river seining help the survival of the endangered whitefish?

3Answers to these questions and many more are unveiled at the over 30 sites on the portal. Landscape Rewilding Programme has expanded rapidly since 2017, today covering 26,000 hectares of land and waters impacted, 1700 hectares owned by the programme and 4 major catchment areas across the country being the core of the work (rivers Koitajoki, Jukajoki and Näätämö and lake Kuivasjärvi). Scalable 3D maps and photography by award winning Mika Honkalinna takes the portal to another level.

1If people are looking for an outdoor site to visit or see how rewilding can re-connect ecosystems, the portal is a place to go. Each week new content is added when new research and other results become available.

The portal has been programmed by NolWenture in Joensuu in cooperation with Snowchange.


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