Monthly Archives: May 2017
News Deeply Interview
A new interview with News Deeply about climate change, conservation and species on the move, here.
Early Summer Newsletter
May in Finland has been the coldest in 100 years. Both in the boreal areas and in the Sámi North snow conditions and lake ice have persisted for longer than expected. Between now and mid-June several international initiatives will be … Continue reading
Samuli Aikio, A Sámi Renaissance Man Turns 80 This Week
Sámi Scholar and Elder Samuli Aikio, Luobbal Sámmol Sámmol turns 80 this week on 11th May 2017. Snowchange Co-op joins in congratulations and celebrates the life work of this remarkable cultural person. Samuli is considered a central figure and a … Continue reading
Snowchange Purchases Linnunsuo Wetland to be Re-Wilded: A Flagship Area for Community-Led Restoration in the Boreal
A historical development took place when Snowchange Cooperative purchased the Linnunsuo wetland area in North Karelia, Finland in late April. Negotiations for the land purchase took a year. The site was acquired using a loan from the Rewilding Europe organisation … Continue reading