Snowchange has been conducting community-based workshops in Sevettijärvi, Finland and Lovozero, Murmansk, Russia over the summer regarding the Eastern Saami Atlas dissemination. Next workshop is scheduled for September in Lovozero. Plans have been made to translate the atlas into Finnish, Skolt and Russian over the 2012-2013 period.
Work on the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment continues towards inclusion of traditional knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples.
In September Snowchange will participate in the Resilient Regions meeting in Portland, USA as well as co-organise with the Saami an Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment meeting in Sevettijärvi, Finland. Visits will be made to the British Columbian partner organisations and communities in September too.
We are happy to announce that thanks to the efforts of President of the Northern Forum Academy mr. Vasiliev and the community of Turvaurgin as well as the Barefoot College in India the solar panels for the Kolyma tundra in North East Siberia have been delivered. Therefore the project which began in 2007 is coming to its closure.
In order to commemorate this event we have worked with the ELOKA project in Colorado, USA to open English-language webpages devoted to the Kolyma communities. They are available here.
And finally many of the earlier reports are now available in PDF format in the Snowchange pages. Take contact as needed. More news in September-October.
Tero Mustonen, Snowchange